
I'm Astrida Nayla


I'm Astrida Nayla


I'm Astrida Nayla

A digital product designer based in Jakarta with ~2 years of experience, currently working for OVO to digitize payment in Grab

A digital product designer based in Jakarta with ~2 years of experience, currently working for OVO to digitize payment in Grab

A digital product designer based in Jakarta with ~2 years of experience, currently working for OVO to digitize payment in Grab

I'm actively seeking full-time opportunities! If you have one,

please send me an email to:

📩 work.astridanayla@gmail.com

© 2023 Astrida Nayla

Handmade with 🍵 and Framer

I'm actively seeking full-time opportunities! If you have one,

please send me an email to:

📩 work.astridanayla@gmail.com

© 2023 Astrida Nayla

Handmade with 🍵 and Framer

I'm actively seeking full-time opportunities! If you have one, please send me an email to:

📩 work.astridanayla@gmail.com

© 2023 Astrida Nayla

Handmade with 🍵 and Framer